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About CamelliaFlora Staff

This author CamelliaFlora Staff has created 7 entries.

Hedge Planting

Hedge PlantingPlanting of hedges. The Tools, the Technique, the Maintenance THE TOOLS : Rake / tillers / secateurs and shovels Garden gloves Watering hose porous Watering can 4-10-0 Mix 3 Mulch Fertilizer for trees and shrubs THE TECHNIQUE : Make a linear section of 50 cm wide. Soften the soil from the bottom of the trench. Add a little Mix 3 soil and incorporate the ground bone After removing the pot, unfold the roots that are turned author of the pot and clear the rootlets by directing them to the outside of

Plantation des Haies

Plantation des Haies.Les outils, la technique, la maintenance LES OUTILS : Râteau / motoculteur / sécateur et pelle Gants de jardinage Boyau d’arrosage suintant (poreux) Arrosoir Os moulu 4-10-0 Mix 3 Paillis Engrais pour arbres et arbustes LA TECHNIQUE : Faire une tranche linéaire de 50 cm de large. Ameublir le sol du fond de la tranchée. Ajouter un peu de terreau Mix 3 et incorporer l’os moulu Après avoir enlevé le pot, déployer les racines qui sont tournées auteur du pot et dégager les radicelles en les dirigeant vers l’extérieur

Planting of Vegetables

Vegetables PlantingPlanting of Vegetables. The Tools, the Technique, the Maintenance THE TOOLS : Tiller, spade, rake, claw, weeder etc., Garden gloves Watering can Marine compost Garden soil Natural fertilizer for vegetables 4-5-7 Soluble fertilizer for tomatoes 15-15-30 THE TECHNIQUE : Choose a very sunny location in the garden and if possible sheltered from the wind. Provide water nearby, as well as the shed to have the tools at hand. Provide an aisle at least 50 cm wide to facilitate movement. Provide an aisle at least 50 cm wide to facilitate movement. Favor

Planting of Conifers

Planting of ConifersThe Tools, the Technique, the Maintenance THE TOOLS : Shovel/rake Gloves for gardening Watering can Ground bone Professional Soil Cedar mulch Coniferous fertilizers THE TECHNIQUE : Make a planting hole with a diameter twice larger than the roots diameter of the tree and of equal depth. Add Professional Soil and Coniferous fertilizers including a ground bone. After removing the pot, place the plant in the center of the hole. Check the level of the soil which must be equal to that of the root ball or maybe just