Vegetables Planting
Planting of Vegetables. The Tools, the Technique, the Maintenance

- Tiller, spade, rake, claw, weeder etc.,
- Garden gloves
- Watering can
- Marine compost
- Garden soil
- Natural fertilizer for vegetables 4-5-7
- Soluble fertilizer for tomatoes 15-15-30
- Choose a very sunny location in the garden and if possible sheltered from the wind.
- Provide water nearby, as well as the shed to have the tools at hand. Provide an aisle at least 50 cm wide to facilitate movement.
- Provide an aisle at least 50 cm wide to facilitate movement.
- Favor an orientation of the rows perpendicularly from east to west in order to maximize sunlight.
- Prepare the ground in order to obtain a fertile and well-drained soil. Use Marine Compost when digging in the fall or early spring. Work the soil 25-30 cm deep.
- Loose, draining and aerated soil promotes deep rooting of plants.
Make a plan of the vegetable garden in order to optimize the location of each crop. - Make rows 40 cm wide and the desired length.
- Provide sufficient space between aisles and rows. Seedlings that are too tight will result in smaller vegetables.
Sowing and planting:
Using a rake, level the soil. Using a spade, break up the clods and prepare the rows. Apply natural vegetable fertilizer 4-5-7
Use a rope to make straight rows, weeding will be easier.
Using the back of the rake, make a furrow on the ground.
Sow the seeds, covering them lightly then watering gently with a fine stream of water or a watering can fitted with an apple.
For its growth, a plant needs sufficient light, water, heat, well-drained soil (oxygen for the roots) and food (compost + fertilizer). It is also necessary to monitor the pH (potential hydrogen) of the soil to ensure effective fertilization.
Maintenance during the year of planting:
Provide watering in case of drought, without however soaking the soil. Let dry between waterings to a depth of about 5 cm.
Repeat the fertilizer application once a month during the growing season. Use Soluble Fertilizer 15-15-30 for Tomatoes and Vegetables during the dry season (July-August). Apply to 2 weeks.
Weeding: In order to allow crops to benefit from the food available in the soil and from the sunlight, it is necessary to weed regularly.
Weed the rows to promote aeration of the soil, it is easier to remove weeds in low soil.
Did you know? For the production of vegetables for the consumption of a family of 3, 100 square meters are required.
For starters, 3 X 4 meters are enough to experiment with a few crops.
Tip for successful carrots: After the seedlings have emerged: thin out the row leaving only 3 carrots for 1 foot long. Carrots will be able to grow in width and height.